It is illegal in Ohio to supply alcohol to a minor, EXCEPT:

  • Under the supervision of a parent, adult spouse, or legal guardian
  • Under a physician’s order
  • During a religious participation

As the holiday season approaches, underage kids come back home from college, and expect to enjoy spirits with their friends from high school in the exact manner that they do at school – in their “home”.  Many parents are lenient, but they should know that they will be held liable under the social host liability laws if they provide alcohol to underage drinkers in their home.  Furthermore, they may be responsible if the minor leaves their home intoxicated and injures or kills someone while driving. As a criminal defense attorney in Ohio, I see kids coming home from college and getting in trouble every holiday season.

The Bottom Line:  Home parties are always identified as the primary source by which underage persons obtain alcohol. Surveys even show that 29% know of parents who host alcohol parties. Most of us believe that drinking is an inevitable right of passage, but as adults we need to be very careful, mistakes are made and a criminal defense attorney is needed. Give me a call if you run into a situation this holiday season or beyond with underage drinking in your home. Many times, parents don’t even know it’s happening in another room, but are held liable if law enforcement gets involved.   513-260-2099