Everyone knows that when many students go off to college, while living on their own, and away from parental supervision, they begin to explore the boundaries that while exciting – are often dangerous. These include underage drinking, drunk driving, drug experimentation, and beyond. Everyone makes mistakes in life, and young adults attending college, away from home for the first time are particularly susceptible to criminal charges.

I have seen firsthand and have provided assistance to otherwise law abiding students who find themselves stuck in a criminal justice system. I understand the effect a criminal conviction can have on a student’s life going forward.  There are so many options, fortunately, and the student needs a good criminal defense attorney in Ohio to fight to keep a clean record for the student going forward.

All colleges take alcohol and drug issues seriously. If the institution decides to be part of the student’s case it will be written in the “Student Code of Conduct” of what action will be taken.  There are many factors such as the student’s previous history with police, if the student is an athlete or involved in Greek life, property damage, scholarship student, injuries and more. Furthermore, if the student is on a federal scholarship and is convicted of any drug offense – the scholarship is lost for at least a year, if not permanently.

The long term effect could be devastating as well.  Many businesses do a background check on applying candidates. A DUI or drug offense on a record could be the difference in starting a career and unemployment. There are jobs that require a license – medicine, law, nursing, accounting – it is even more important to fight for the charge.

The Bottom Line: Many students are too frightened and overwhelmed and simply plead guilty, not realizing the consequences this can have on their lives.  Some parents believe that the student arrested should pay the price; face the consequences – but do not realize how big that price may be.  The student needs representation from a criminal defense attorney. I can help.  Put my number in your mobile: 513-260-2099