Many decisions of court cases have confirmed that anything you post online on any social media platform can be used against you. There are a myriad of ways law enforcement, prosecutors, insurance companies and beyond can get behind your password protected account and have the ability to read what you have “said” whether it’s personal or private.  You can be prosecuted simply on the post that you made.  A good criminal defense attorney will be needed immediately to protect you.  It’s conceivable that someone else signed on as you to one of the platforms – or picked up your mobile phone to “update” and frame you.

Criminal charges may be brought against you from a “tip” from one of your “friends” causing law enforcement to dig further. Police now use social media as a way to gather evidence and solve crimes.  A survey done by LexisNexis Risk Solutions found that of the 1221 officers they surveyed, 80% used social media to solve crimes, admitting that Facebook is the best source for information.

Law enforcement will need a warrant to search your social media but there are so many ways around that.  There have been times when they are able to get in touch with friends of who they are searching and are given access to their accounts.  They are able to make fake profiles and “friend” the suspect. It’s not illegal and it is a method that has been used time and time again.

Not surprising, this social media explosion impacts government investigations and criminal litigation and factors into cases every single day.  Evidence includes photos, status updates, location at certain times, and conversations.  You will need a criminal defense attorney to defend your constitutional rights. There are ways to protect your privacy under the Fourth Amendment.

The Bottom Line:  Almost everyone is using social media.  91% of adults use it regularly.  Every minute users create huge amounts of data.  Data that can be used against you.  If you find you are the focus of a situation due to posts you have made, you need a good criminal defense attorney to protect your rights.  Put my number in your phone and call me immediately.  513-260-2099