Underage drinking, possession of alcohol, and intoxication are first degree misdemeanors (violators are not to serve more than six months in jail or pay more than $1,000 in fines) in Ohio.  It also could result in a criminal record which far outweighs jail time and fines.  The violator must always then, answer yes, when asked if ever convicted of a crime on any application for employment, education, and beyond.  Often, employers won’t hire people with a criminal conviction record. Even if it’s ten years down the road.   While many parents are tempted to let their children learn the hard way, by letting them deal with these consequences, it’s a much better option to get in touch with a good criminal defense attorney in Ohio.

Even if the underage violator is guilty, there are two different defense strategies that can be used. First, a diversion program – if the client completes it the case will be dismissed; no conviction.  Case closed.   Second would be a plea bargain or pretrial diversion program could help avoid the criminal conviction tag, thus a good criminal defense attorney may be able to seal the arrest record so that it would never have to be disclosed.

The Bottom Line:  Kids and young adults make mistakes.  It’s part of growing up and becoming an adult and often situations come about with difficult consequences.  Put my number in your mobile.  I have experience helping with underage drinking and other criminal charges and will protect your future.  Let’s keep a criminal record from affecting your life.  513-260-2099