
All kids make mistakes; they don’t have the wisdom or emotional maturity to make good decisions all the time. Despite good parenting and good schools, mistakes happen that lead to charges being filed. Good kids make bad decisions all the time and if you are a parent and find yourself in this situation the best thing to do is reach out to a criminal defense attorney, immediately. An allegation of a juvenile crime can have a devastating effect on your child’s reputation, livelihood and overall well being. The common mistakes:

  • Drug possession. Usually, kids get in trouble for possessing marijuana. However, some children are caught with more serious drugs. 
  • Consumption or possession of alcohol. Many kids test the waters when it comes to drinking, and not all of them are caught. Even though a conviction for drinking alcohol while under the age of 21 usually carries no jail time and only a relatively small fine, having that on your record can cost you college, job, and military service opportunities.
  • Whether you are only facing fines or at real risk of prison time for a high value theft, a criminal conviction on your record is something you want to avoid at all costs

Do not let a mistake made while in middle school or high school derail your child’s future. The penalties of the juvenile crimes range from mandatory placement in mental health treatment programs, to compensatory financial damages, to jail time of up to one year, to a juvenile detention center which aren’t famous for their reformative capabilities; like jails and prisons, they often lead to smarter – but still wayward – individuals.  All of these can have serious negative consequences on your future education and employment opportunities.

The Bottom Line:  Your child needs his rights protected and for you to stand up for his rights and to help them through their mistakes. If he was charged with one of the above offenses, it doesn’t mean he or she is destined for a life of crime; it just means you can turn things around for a good future. With the help of an aggressive, experienced criminal defense attorney, you can fight the charges against your child. Call me. I will help your child avoid harsh punishments and severe repercussions and reach the very best outcome for whatever the situation may be.  Keep my number in your phone.  513-260-2099