About Scott A. Rubenstein

The Cincinnati DUI Lawyer

Underage Drinking and Driving

The drinking age in Ohio is 21 and consumption of alcohol by anyone under 21 is illegal with the following exceptions: on private, non alcohol-selling premises, with consent of a legal guardian  -- for example, with legal guardian’s permission at a party, or for religious purposes – for example, drinking wine with religious ceremony, or for [...]

Marijuana and Ohio Law

Are you being charged with a crime that has involved marijuana? If you are in possession of less than 100 grams in Ohio, it is a minor misdemeanor offense. This means you won't go to jail but will be punished with a maximum fine of $150 and a mandatory driver's license suspension for as little [...]

White Collar Crime

White Collar Crimes:  Usually crimes that happen in a business setting that include embezzlement, identity fraud, forgery, embezzlement, tax evasion, extortion, engaging in corrupt activity, insurance fraud, medicaid fraud and computer offenses and are non-violent.  Charged with a white-collar crime, naturally the  prosecution will be taking the case seriously. The most important thing for you is [...]

DUI or Drunk Driving Checkpoints

They're somewhere every weekend in Ohio.  Do you know your rights if you happen to come upon a DUI Checkpoint?   There are several guidelines per a 1990 US Supreme Court Ruling and failure of any of these can only strengthen the Ohio Criminal Defense Attorney's case for you against the state. The location of [...]

George Zimmerman’s Acquittal – How?

George Zimmerman's verdict of "not guilty" was inevitable due to the absence of clear facts about the circumstances of Martin’s death. The jury made a fair call in light of the evidence provided, but that the case raised important issues, some of them still unresolved.  A good Criminal Defense Attorney in Ohio, can bring the facts [...]

Self-Defense in Ohio

In Ohio, since 2008, our rights for self- defense is known as the “Castle Doctrine”.  If you are the victim of an intruder in your home, you do not have to retreat or try to get away before using deadly force. You have an automatic right to act against the intruder and you don’t even [...]

DUI Stop in Ohio / July 4th Weekend

Thursday is the 4th of July and many of you will, no doubt, turn it into a long weekend of fun, family, friends and parties, both private and public.  The Ohio State Highway Patrol will be out in full force, even conducting a DUI Checkpoint somewhere in Hamilton County on Friday night (TBA). You should [...]

Reckless Driving

We have all, at one time or another driven over the speed limit, made an unlawful u-turn, parked our car outside of the parking "spot", or tailgated.  However, reckless driving is a serious offense and may result in severe consequences and we will find ourselves in need of the best criminal defense attorney in Ohio.  [...]

Criminal Rule 16 in Ohio and Evidence in Your Case

My role as your Ohio Criminal Defense Attorney is to gather evidence in your case, something I give a lot of attention to. Due to Criminal Rule 16, I am able to force the government to turn over all the material evidence, whether it will hurt your case or help it.  The Prosecutor will have [...]

Underage Drinking With Parental Supervision

They're home! Your college student children are home for the summer.  Try to remember how it was when you came home after a year away at college.  They expect no rules.  Come and go as they please.  Most kids in college drink, there is no way around it.  Trying to pretend they don't is foolish. [...]

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