White Collar Crime

White Collar Crimes:  Usually crimes that happen in a business setting that include embezzlement, identity fraud, forgery, embezzlement, tax evasion, extortion, engaging in corrupt activity, insurance fraud, medicaid fraud and computer offenses and are non-violent.  Charged with a white-collar crime, naturally the  prosecution will be taking the case seriously. The most important thing for you is [...]

George Zimmerman’s Acquittal – How?

George Zimmerman's verdict of "not guilty" was inevitable due to the absence of clear facts about the circumstances of Martin’s death. The jury made a fair call in light of the evidence provided, but that the case raised important issues, some of them still unresolved.  A good Criminal Defense Attorney in Ohio, can bring the facts [...]

Self-Defense in Ohio

In Ohio, since 2008, our rights for self- defense is known as the “Castle Doctrine”.  If you are the victim of an intruder in your home, you do not have to retreat or try to get away before using deadly force. You have an automatic right to act against the intruder and you don’t even [...]

DUI Stop in Ohio / July 4th Weekend

Thursday is the 4th of July and many of you will, no doubt, turn it into a long weekend of fun, family, friends and parties, both private and public.  The Ohio State Highway Patrol will be out in full force, even conducting a DUI Checkpoint somewhere in Hamilton County on Friday night (TBA). You should [...]

Criminal Rule 16 in Ohio and Evidence in Your Case

My role as your Ohio Criminal Defense Attorney is to gather evidence in your case, something I give a lot of attention to. Due to Criminal Rule 16, I am able to force the government to turn over all the material evidence, whether it will hurt your case or help it.  The Prosecutor will have [...]

Social Media and Criminal Defense

The Steubenville, Ohio case.  Everyone, it seems, knows all about it at this point. It was unknown until it came to national attention and was "trending" in every social media outlet there is.  There were videos, photos, posts, hashtag trends on twitter and more of an underage girl that was allegedly sexually assaulted at a [...]

Revised Law Gives Judges More Leeway

We often have thought that the judges in the criminal justice system give the final call on justice in a trial.  They decide on if the defendant is guilty and how shall he be sentenced.  This is how it is in all the movies and TV shows, right? Truth is, judges really haven't had much [...]

Your Miranda Rights

So, you were pulled over - it does not instantly mean you are going to jail.  Somehow, Law Enforcement has reason to believe you have just violated some law or another and they probably just want to question you.  But, you should know your rights. Guilty of the crime you are being arrested for or [...]

Drug Possession in Ohio

Have you been charged with drug possession? It can do damage to your reputation and your future. Any criminal offense charge can be scary, but you don't have to be a hardened criminal to be charged - so many regular people are being charged with drug possession everyday.  You need an experienced Ohio Defense Attorney, [...]

Drinking and Driving in Ohio

A drunk driving arrest in Ohio is more than a simple embarrassment: drunk driving charges can seriously affect your livelihood by the loss of your professional license or the way to get around town to do business, your financial security and your freedom.  If convicted, your driver's license will be suspended;  you will have  fines [...]

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