DUI Conviction and Your Rights

A DUI, even as a first-time charge, can change a life for years to come. A criminal conviction can have a serious impact on a person's future. There may be fines, incarceration, difficulty in finding a job or even keeping one, financial aid for school and more. There is good news, however, contacting the best criminal [...]

Your Rights When Pulled Over By Police

If you are stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence in Ohio, do you know your rights? Your actions at the time of your traffic stop could mean the difference between a jail sentence and walking away from this incident with no consequences. You should be prepared in the event that you are pulled over [...]

Opening Day Arrest

Happy Opening Day! One of the best days in Cincinnati but also one of the busiest for law enforcement. It's a long day of drinking beer that can lead to poor decisions and mistakes. From public intoxication, alcohol intoxication, disorderly conduct to a DUI, today is a popular day for trouble. However, in Ohio appearing [...]

Police Brutality in Ohio

Law Enforcement Officials have a very tough job. They are often called upon to make a split-second decision to save a life, sometimes their own. Police Officers put their lives on the line daily in Ohio. However, there are occasions when law enforcement goes overboard and exceeds their legally permissible use of reasonable force to [...]

Know Your Rights If You Are Pulled Over

Don't drink and drive. Have alternate plans to get home if you are out having a drink with friends. Get the Uber app or call a taxi. Unfortunately, many believe they are OK to drive after just one drink, but if pulled over and tested, the BAC could register enough for a DUI. If you [...]

Under 21 DUI in Ohio

If you have a child under 21 charged with drunk driving in Ohio, it is a completely different story than for anyone over 21. The BAC (blood alcohol content) limit for anyone under 21 is .02 and it is .08 for anyone over 21 because their personal alcohol tolerance is supposedly much lower than those of [...]

DUI Checkpoints in Ohio and Your Rights

Most drivers, when approaching a DUI checkpoint are nervous and scared. As a criminal defense attorney, I want everyone to know how important it is to understand your rights when it comes to facing potential interactions with law enforcement. Checkpoints are posted before in the news, on social media, etc and are in place to find and stop drunk [...]

Best Advice If You Are Pulled Over In Ohio

You are not under arrest if you are pulled over, however, you are under the control of law enforcement. Your only requirement is to show your driver's license, insurance and vehicle registration. That is all.  Often, police will start asking questions - where have you been and where are you going are commonly asked. Don't [...]

Social Media, The New Informant

Posting all the time on all social media platforms is a great way get caught and convicted of a crime because police can use your own posts against you. Even innocent online conversations, often meant as a defense mechanism, can be misinterpreted and twisted by both the authorities and the media. A good criminal defense attorney will tell [...]

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