The Burden of Proof

As specified by the 5th amendment of the Constitution, any U.S. citizen who has been accused of a criminal offense has the right to have his or her case tried in front of a judge or jury. In addition, because you are innocent until proven guilty, the court must prove you are guilty—this is where [...]

DUI in Ohio Tips

There's one tradition we could all do without - the spikes in binge drinking, DUIs, and alcohol-involved crashes that come with the holiday season. Because of this, Ohio puts extra officers on the state’s roads and freeways to focus on speed limit enforcement and watch for all signs of impaired driving. The opportunities to getting arrested for [...]

Do I Need A Lawyer If I Failed A Field Sobriety Test

You were just at a holiday party and had a drink or two at dinner and got pulled over while driving home. You took the field sobriety test because you felt perfectly fine and you were cited for an OVI. Think simply paying the fine will save you money instead of hiring the best criminal [...]

Charged With a DUI in Ohio

Have you been charged with a DUI in Ohio? It’s frightening and it's serious. The fear can paralyze people and lead them to make bad decisions. Take a deep breath and the first thing you should do is contact the best criminal defense attorney who will work tirelessly to build a strong defense. There could [...]

Felony Charges in Ohio

If you have been charged with a felony in Cincinnati, it’s in your best interest to reach out to a criminal defense attorney immediately. In Ohio, there are five levels of felony crimes ranging from F1 to F5, with Level 1 felony such as murder charge being the most serious with the most serious penalties. [...]

Testing at a Traffic Stop

  Scott A. Rubenstein Don't drink and drive! With Uber and Lyft, there is really no excuse to get behind the wheel if you have had too much to drink. However, many of us, feel completely fine after a couple drinks and are able to drive. If you are pulled over and consent to [...]

Hiring The Best Criminal Defense Attorney in Ohio

If you or someone you love is facing disastrous penalties or time in prison, you need to have the very best criminal defense attorney fighting for your rights.  No one criminal case is exactly like another, criminal defense attorneys are trained to pick out the special portions of each case that make them unique. In addition, [...]

Beating a DUI Charge in Ohio

Law enforcement must have probable cause to stop, detain, or arrest you for a DUI.  Probable cause simply means that enough reliable information exists to support a reasonable belief that a person was operating a motor vehicle while under the influence. Did police officers observe you driving as if impaired— swerving across the road, driving erratically, [...]

False Accusations in Ohio

If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime that you did not commit, it can be mind-boggling. We assume that we will not be accused of doing things we did not do and that the legal system guarantees that we won't be falsely convicted. Unfortunately, false accusations are more common than [...]

Three Huge Mistakes Not to Make at a Traffic Stop in Ohio

First and foremost, the most serious mistake anyone can make is driving under the influence of too much alcohol. Judgement is impaired and a decision made that can be costly, even fatal. Three biggest mistakes any driver can make if pulled over by law enforcement: 1. Taking a field sobriety test.  Law enforcement needs a traffic [...]

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