When asked to handle a DUI/DWI case it has become evident to me, that the police have in many cases made a number of mistakes in the way they handled the stop, test or the arrest. Below you will find a list of different mistakes that are most commonly found, when we have reviewed client’s cases.

  • A. People often think that their only option is to plead guilty. Being charged with a DUI/DWI or Refusal in the state of Ohio can seriously affect you, and as such it is imperative that you consult with a Criminal Defense Attorney before proceeding.  One should never think that they have no recourse to the charges that have been filed. It is unwise to think it is an open and shut case and that there is nothing a lawyer can do. You will find that judges encourage you to have representation when you are arraigned in his court because any number of defenses may be available. Unless you have competent counsel to advise you and investigate the case, you will never know about the opportunities you missed. The penalties can be, and often are, life changing.
  • BThinking you can do it yourself. Often we get phone calls or have interviews with people who are simply looking for information so that they can defend themselves. This is one of the worst mistakes a person can make as they will experience serious difficulties in simple things such as getting the discovery information from the police, as well as the complicated issues involved in evidence and procedure. Your likelihood of overcoming these difficulties is low and compromise your case if it is not handled properly. These are not risks you should take when facing a serious charge such as a DUI/DWI or Refusal.
  • CHiring the cheapest attorney is not usually the best way to pay less in the end. Having an attorney who is completely experienced in DUI/DWI or Refusal cases and in questioning the testing results, will often save you money in the long run. Fees are normally based on what a lawyer estimates will be the amount of time and resources he puts into defending you. A cheaper lawyer may be cheap because he will not put in the time and effort required to mount a successful defense of your case. Price should never be your main criteria for choosing a lawyer. There are many factors to be taken into consideration and sometimes the old adage of you get what you pay for is true.
  • DSpeaking to the prosecutor yourself is not a wise idea. In fact it can often be a very bad idea given the fact that you have no experience in this regard. By volunteering facts about your case, when speaking with the person who will be prosecuting, you can easily end up giving them information that will help them to prosecute you. You need to understand that the burden of proving the allegations is on them and not you. You may give them facts that will allow them to have a stronger case than without your information. Do not let your own words give them ammunition they may not have had. You are under no obligation to give them any information and they do not have to provide any assistance to you. One of the worst case scenarios I face is when a client comes in and relates how they have spoken to the prosecutor.
  • E. The last thing you should do is get advice from your friends. It is important to understand that every case is different and has its own facts that must be examined by an expert. Protecting you can only be based on your specific details and can not be compared to any one else who has faced similar charges. The police may have acted differently in their case, or the machines that were used for testing were different or the results of the tests different. Only a knowledgeable lawyer can defend you and your rights to the fullest extent.

The Bottom Line: If charged with a DUI/DWI/OVI,  consult an attorney.   A serious offense requires a good defense attorney.  By fighting in the courtroom and negotiating with experience, we can avoid a conviction or mitigate the worst provision of this charge.  Put my mobile phone number into your phone:             513-260-2099